I first became captivated by the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises while going through my spiritual direction training program about ten years ago. I was drawn to this 500 year old contemplation on the life of Jesus that invites us to discern God’s path for our lives. When doctoral studies took me to Marquette University, a Jesuit institution, it gave me the unique opportunity to receive further training in the practice.
At the time, I was serving as an affiliate spiritual director at the campus Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality amid my studies. My supervisor there, Michael Dante, graciously offered me a 10-months private apprenticeship, and I was able to receive additional training from Howard Gray, SJ, a Jesuit teacher renowned for his insights into the Spiritual Exercises.

I longed to introduce others to this rich Christian spiritual heritage. So, in 2015, I began leading people through the Exercises, using a 36 weeks adaptation that I created called The Jesus Way: Practicing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Originally, I gave retreatants a binder with the material, but I always intended to publish it in book form once I refined it. I am excited to say that day has finally arrived! As I prepared to lead another small group through the Exercises this fall, I was determined to have this resource available to them.
The retreat follows Ignatius’s intent closely, while still being accessible. The Spiritual Exercises deepen your prayer life, give you new ways of reading Scripture, teach you how to do spiritual discernment, and cultivate an inner freedom. This is an opportunity to be shaped by the story of “God with us.” The world offers many narratives, but not all lead to life. What fills your imagination is what you become. In the Spiritual Exercises you allow Jesus to saturate your reality and invite you into a life of purpose.